Analysis of Corona Virus Data The code used to produce this report use my kdb library to download daily coronavirus data by state in the USA, and plot it from various perspectives. I did this mostly as a way to build up the kdb library’s functionality as I asked questions of the data.
World Data
Death Trends
Recent Death Trends
Countries With Highest Mortality
Countries With Lowest Mortality
Countries With Most Increased Mortality
Countries With Most Decreased Mortality
USA Data (until March 2021)
Death Trends
Recent Death Trends
States With Highest Mortality
States With Lowest Mortality
States With Most Increased Mortality
States With Most Decreased Mortality
Total Excess Mortality
Excess Mortality is integrated over the entire Covid pandemic. Excess Mortality is defined
$\frac{Total Covid Deaths}{Annual Deathrate * population } * \frac{Days of Pandemic}{365}$
An excess mortality of 0.2 would mean that the death rate has increased by 20% due to Covid 19.
About the Data
The Covid death rates are annualized daily 7-day moving average death per person in the population of the state or region. Eg. it is 365 * the daily death rate.
Daily Covid data for the United States from
US Population and non-covid death rates from the US census website
World Population and covid death rates from Our World In Data
Report Updated at 2021.11.03 12:47:41 EST